
Weekly Events
The Upper Room Prayer Service

WHEN:  Meets on the first, third and fourth Wed. -  6:30-7:30pm

Our desire is to be a church that meets regularly to pray together, not just on Sunday mornings. Each Wednesday we gather online for one hour to simply pray together as a church family.

Kid's Education Hour

WHEN:  9:15– 10:15 am Sundays  (during the school year - Power House Kid's Worship is year round)

While parents study God’s Word and enjoy the company of other adults in their Adult Bible Fellowship, your children will be learning about God as well, but in a language and format just for them!  Toddler ages through 5th grade have their own classrooms and teachers, with exciting lessons that vary from week to week.

Student Education Hour

WHEN:  9:15– 10:15 am Sundays  (During the fall, winter and spring)

During the fall, winter and spring, classes for Junior High (6th-8th grade) and Senior High (9th - 12th Grade) meet separately to talk about various subjects.  These range from specific books of the Bible to topics relevant to the various stages of a student's life.  

During the summer, there are no Sunday morning education classes for youth.  But check out our event page or the CBF Youth Facebook page for the latest in summer events! 

Youth Group

WHEN:  !st & 3rd Thursdays 6 - 8pm 

We are a community of students in grades 6-12.  We gather weekly to meet students where they are and connect them to God!  You'll experience a night filled with all kinds of cool stuff like a relevant music video driven message and time for discussion to kick it around, free time to play some video games, pool, ping pong or Foosball, group games, worship and prayer.  Bring a friend and check it out!